The circular economy can help us to achieve global ambitions to reduce pollution, emissions and waste – as well as increase jobs and prosperity.
To get there, trade and production in international value chains play a central role.
What’s the business case for circularity?
Actors in and around international value chains can gain by going circular:
- countries and economies can seize growth opportunities within planetary boundaries,
- businesses can reduce production costs, increase productivity, and boost innovation to develop and commercialise new products and services – whilst delivering towards climate commitments,
- ecopreneurs can develop new and innovative business models, such as generating value from what was previously considered waste, or new services-based business models.

What we offer
ITC Trade and Environment supports small businesses and value chains to adopt circular practices, activating policymakers, business support organizations and the private sector to:
- Understand the opportunities offered by the circular economy and circular business models
- Develop the business case for establishing circular value chains and implementing circular production practices
- Link up different producers, service and finance providers to trade
- Invest in measures supporting resource efficiency and circularity
TaIlored coaching for small businesses
Through our resource efficiency and circular production (RECP) coaching programme, we activate small businesses to gain a competitive advantage by going circular. We provide tailored capacity building on how to enhance energy consumption, save water, reduce and reuse waste and lower carbon emissions. We link them with actors in the business ecosystems to innovate, access technologies and services, and access markets.